CPM Associates Personal Finance Divison started its operation at the end of 2008 as a reaction to the increasing interest in personal finance advisory from the side of our clients. Together with other divisions it creates a complex of financial services which tries to cover even the most demanding clientele. This division specializes in providing consistently professional financial planning for individuals. The main activities are the creation of financial plans, financial audit and financial and tax optimization.
Personal Finance Division merges independent consultants in the field of private finance who decided to carry out this work at a professional level and have many years of experience in the financial services area. The main emphasis is put on the quality of work, education and high professionalism of our employees, as we provide ongoing training and centralized control. The company is directly responsible for the activities of its associates who are led to responsibility for the advisory services provided to their clients from the very beginning of the cooperation.
“Generally we distinguish three levels in financial intermediation.”
CPM Associates financial planning is built on the philosophy of processing the financial concept on the base of rigorous analysis rather than selling specific financial products. Products are not an essential part of the concept, but in many cases their use may be crucial. High quality financial planning takes full qualitative and knowledge accountability for its recommendations to clients as an essential condition of the advisory ethics.
CPM Associates is neither proprietary nor financially linked to any financial or intermediary company and it strives to provide impartial solutions to its clients through an in-depth analysis.
Using selection and examination of financial institutions and their products based on detailed comparisons of fundamentals at regular intervals, we strive to provide clients with the highest efficiency, quality and suitability within the financial market.
The financial concept is supported by a wide range of products and solutions in the field of investment, housing, retirement income security, life and non life insurance. Among our main competitive advantages one may find mainly professional solutions in the field of investment, management of the first slovak hedge fund (Slovak Hedge Fund), direct access to global exchanges and over 15,000 mutual funds available.
The company operates in the market for financial services under the Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. as a single financial agent (SFA), which is authorized to conduct business of financial intermediation in all belonging sectors.
“What should be each client interested in.”
The policy of quality management in the CPM Associates is present at all levels of our four divisions and it is an inseparable part of the global company management policy and its goals. We consider the Total Quality Management our highest priority and regard it the most esssential aspect of our company existence and its future successful development. The company's management is fully aware of the importance of implementation of the quality management system and its impact on the company`s current and potential clients, employees and co-workers.
TQM - Total Quality Management is the attitude, philosophy, but also a process that emphasizes personal responsibility of all employees who seek to improve continuously. TQM is a system consisting of organizational, administrative and technical procedures, methods, techniques and tools.
The concept of TQM is mainly focused on the customer and company’s own employees, respectively company’s associates, as well as business processes, work environment, goals and results. The whole company, all sections and people are involved in improving the quality of work. Managers, employees and associates are responsible for the company and the company bears responsibility for the people. TQM is an open system to which it is possible to include everything that can contribute to maximize the client satisfaction, their trust and minimize resources spent on errors and shortcomings.
CPM Associates considers the system of work an important aspect of the operation of the Financial Planning Division. The concept of working with clients is built to meet internationally recognized standards in the field of professional financial planning and financial audit. By applying the Total Quality Management (TQM) to the system of work with the client we strive to achieve such level of control and process management which enables the company to provide client services in the highest quality possible.
The system of work with the client is built on three pillars.
Financial Analysis
Financial analysis consists of several parts:
In the second meeting, a suggested financial plan and optimization will be presented to the client. Optimization means saving money, or their more efficient use – multiple utility at the same cost compared to the current state. In essence, removal of all unnecessary components from the client's portfolio and their re-allocation into assets and concrete products bring the desired benefit for the client and his goals.
The financial plan is a theory, in other words, a philosophy, how should the client, or more precisely, family manage their finance in order to ensure the effective fulfillment of their goals. If the client decides for the "theory", it can be put into practice. The practice is the choice of optimal financial partners and their products, which accomplish the whole financial plan.
We become "the lawyer" of client's finance and will represent and protect his interests in the financial market. We take over the entire administration, which mainly comprises monitoring and processing changes, correspondence with partners, dealing with insurance claims and portfolio management, thus saving money and time for our clients. A revision of the financial plan, in other words, its review and adaptation to the current situation of the client is made once a year.